Contains SIM information about the execution of the actual command and can be (more details in 3GPP TS 51.011 [41] and ETSI TS 102 221 [42]).
Status words examples for 2G SIM cards:
0x90 0x00: normal ending of the command
0x9F 0xXX: length XX of the response data
0x92 0x0X: command successful but after using an internal retry routine X times
0x92 0x40: memory problem
0x94 0x00: no EF selected
0x94 0x02: out of range (invalid address)
0x94 0x04: file ID not found; pattern not found
0x94 0x08: file is inconsistent with the command
0x98 0x02: no CHV initialized
0x98 0x04: access condition not fulfilled / unsucc. CHV verify / authent.failed
0x98 0x08: in contradiction with CHV status
0x98 0x10: in contradiction with invalidation status
0x98 0x40: unsucc. CHV-verif. or UNBLOCK CHV-verif. / CHV blocked /UNBL.blocked
0x67 0xXX: incorrect parameter P3
0x6A 0x81: function not supported
0x6A 0x82: file not found
0x6B 0xXX: incorrect parameter P1 or P2
0x6D 0xXX: unknown instruction code given in the command
0x6E 0xXX: wrong instruction class given in the command
0x6F 0xXX: technical problem with no diagnostic given
Status words examples for 3G SIM cards:
0x90 0x00: normal ending of the command
0x91 0xXX: length XX of the response data
0x63 0xCX: command successful but after using an internal retry routine X times
0x62 0x00: no information given, state of non volatile memory unchanged
0x64 0x00: no information given, state of non-volatile memory unchanged
0x65 0x00: no information given, state of non-volatile memory changed
0x65 0x81: memory problem
0x67 0x00: wrong length
0x69 0x85: conditions of use not satisfied
0x69 0x86: command not allowed (no EF selected)
0x69 0x82: security status not satisfied
0x62 0x81: part of returned data may be corrupted
0x6A 0x81: function not supported
0x6A 0x82: file not found
0x6A 0x83: record not found
0x6B 0x00: wrong parameter(s) P1, P2
0x6D 0x00: instruction code not supported or invalid
0x6E 0x00: instruction code not supported or invalid
0x6F 0x00: technical problem, no precise diagnosis