Test | AT+STKPRO=? | +STKPRO: (list of supported <proactive_cmd>s) OK | +STKPRO: (01,05,16,17,18,19,20,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,40,52,53) OK |
Generic syntax |
URC | | +STKPRO: <proactive_cmd>,… | |
Refresh |
URC | | +STKPRO: 01,<type>,<number of files>,<files> | |
Set up event list |
URC | | +STKPRO: 05,<event_list> | |
Set up call |
URC | | +STKPRO: 16,<number>,<subaddr>,<type>,<alpha_1>,<icon_id1>,<alpha_2>,<icon_id2> | |
Send SS |
URC | | +STKPRO: 17,<ss_data>,<alpha>,<icon_id>,<ref_number> | |
Send USSD |
URC | | +STKPRO: 18,<dcs>,<hex_string>,<alpha>,<icon_id>,<ref_number> | |
Send SMS |
URC | | +STKPRO: 19,<alpha>,<icon_id>,<ref_number> | |
Send DTMF |
URC | | +STKPRO: 20,<alpha>,<icon_id>,<dtmf_string> | |
Play tone |
URC | | +STKPRO: 32,<tone>,<unit>,<interval>,<alpha>,<icon_id> | |
Display text |
URC | | +STKPRO: 33,<type>,<dcs>,<hex_string>,<icon_id>,<imm_resp> | |
Get inkey |
URC | | +STKPRO: 34,<type>,<dcs>,<hex_string>,<icon_id> | |
Get input |
URC | | +STKPRO: 35,<type>,<dcs>,<hex_string>,<max_rsp_len>,<min_rsp_len>,<default_text>,<icon_id> | |
Select item |
URC | | +STKPRO: 36,<type>,<alpha>,<item_id>,<total_items>,<item_text>,<next_action>,<default_item>,<icon_id>,<icon_id_list_element> | |
Set up menu |
URC | | +STKPRO: 37,<type>,<alpha>,<item_id>,<total_items>,<item_text>,<next_action>,<icon_id>,<icon_id_list_element> | |
Provide local info |
URC | | +STKPRO: 38,<type> | |
Set up idle mode text |
URC | | +STKPRO: 40,<dcs>,<hex_string>,<icon_id> | |
Run AT command |
URC | | +STKPRO: 52,<type>,<alpha>,<icon_id>,<at_command> | |
Language notification |
URC | | +STKPRO: 53,<language> | |
Open channel |
URC | | +STKPRO: 64,<type>,<alpha>,<icon_id>,<bearer_type>,<bearer_parameters>,<buffer_size>,<network_access_name>,<login_dcs>,<login_text>,<password_dcs>,<password_text>,<transport_type>,<transport_port>,<destination_address_type>,<destination_address> | |
Close channel |
URC | | +STKPRO: 65,<type>,<channel_id>,<alpha>,<icon_id> | |
Receive data |
URC | | +STKPRO: 66,<type>,<channel_id>,<alpha>,<icon_id>,<channel_data_length> | |
Send data |
URC | | +STKPRO: 67,<type>,<channel_id>,<alpha>,<icon_id>,<channel_data> | |