
Applicable products

This document applies to the following products:

NameType number











For firmware version and corresponding notification documents, refer to product data sheet.

How to use this manual

The u-blox Cellular Modules AT Commands Manual provides the necessary information to successfully design in and configure the applicable u-blox cellular modules.

This manual has a modular structure. It is not necessary to read it from the beginning to the end.

The following symbols are used to highlight important information within the manual:

An index finger points out key information pertaining to module integration and performance.

A warning symbol indicates actions that could negatively impact or damage the module.

Summary table

The summary table on the top of each command section is a quick reference for the user.








PIN required

Settings saved

Can be aborted

Response time

Error reference







It is composed of two sections:

  • Modules: lists all the modules that support the command. The modules are grouped in rows by cellular standard (i.e. L for LTE high data rate (Cat 3 and above), R for LTE low data rate (Cat 1 and below), U for UMTS/HSPA, G for GSM/GPRS, N for NB-IoT (LTE Cat NB1 / LTE Cat NB2)). In each row the modules are grouped by: form factor (i.e. SARA, LISA), platform technology (e.g. SARA-G), platform generation (e.g. SARA-G3), product name (e.g. SARA-G350) and ordering code (e.g. SARA-G350-00S). In example: if 'LISA-U2' is reported, the command applies to all the modules having LISA form factor, second chipset version provided with any release of firmware.

  • Attributes

    • Syntax

      • full: the command syntax is fully compatible among all the products listed in the "Modules" section

      • partial: the products support different syntaxes (usually backward compatible with respect to previous cellular standards)

    • Technology: This attribute is only used when a product is a cellular/satellite module

      • Cellular: the command is supported in Cellular RAT among all the products listed in the "Modules" section

      • Satellite: the command is supported in Satellite RAT among all the products listed in the "Modules" section

      • Cel/Sat: the command is supported in Cellular and/or Satellite RATs among all the products listed in the "Modules" section supporting the respective RATs

    • PIN required

      • Yes: it is necessary to insert the PIN before the set and/or read command execution

      • No: the PIN insertion is not needed to execute the command

    • Settings saved

      • Profile: the command setting can be saved in a personal profile as specified in Section 1.4

      • NVM: the command setting is saved in the non-volatile memory as specified in Section 1.4

      • <command_name>: the parameter values set with the command are volatile, but the whole profile can be stored in NVM with <command_name> AT command.

      • OP: the command setting can be overwritten by the Mobile Network Operator (MNO) profile set with the +UMNOPROF or +UMNOCONF AT commands (if supported)

      • No: the current command setting is volatile and cannot be saved

    • Can be aborted

      • Yes: the command execution can be aborted if a character is sent to the DCE during the command execution

      • No: the command cannot be aborted during the command execution

    • Response time: estimated maximum time to get the final result code for the AT command execution. It is the time needed to provide the response in the worst case, e.g. when all the steps that have to be run to carry out the operation take the longest time to be performed; it is based on a theoretical estimation, derived by the the 3GPP specifications in case of AT commands related to cellular modem features (e.g. registration, de-registration, PDP context activation). For additional details on the response time of cellular network related AT command, see Maximum vs typical response time of cellular network related AT commands.

      More precisely, the response time considers the time from the complete acquisition of the command line to the issuing of the command result code. This kind of response time is generally lower than the time measured by the application on the DTE, because the issuing of the command on the DTE is influenced by the AT interface characteristics (e.g. the synchronous/asynchronous transfer type, the selected baud rate, etc.), by power saving and flow control, which introduce a variable latency in the command acquisition by the DCE.

      For example, the maximum expected response time shall be extended if the communication with the module is carried out on a MUX virtual port, because in this case the command line and the result code are transferred via a specific protocol running on the physical port, that might introduce additional communication delay due to framing and re-transmissions.

      Similarly, the maximum expected response time of AT commands accessing the SIM shall be extended if the module is using a remote SIM card via SAP instead of the local SIM card.

      If the response time for a command is left blank (actually "-"), it is an "immediate" response. It means that the command is executed without asynchronous requests to the protocol stack or the internal applications, which usually require time to be answered: the command execution is synchronous (implying that no long blocking processing is done) and lasts a negligible time (the command response is issued by the module in typically less than 10 ms, and in any case less than 1 s).

      The response time shall be extended if the issued AT command triggers a service that cannot be served immediately due to concurrent access to the same service or resource via AT commands issued on a different communication port or from internal applications; typical examples are registration commands and SIM access, that can be also autonomously triggered by the module (e.g. auto-COPS) and can therefore postpone the execution of the AT commands issued by the user.

    • Error reference: reference to the error result codes listed in the Appendix A

The attributes listed in the summary table apply by default to all u-blox modules supporting the specific AT command. If a u-blox module or module series does not comply to the default behavior, the exception is highlighted in Section 1.4 for the saving of settings, in Section 1.3.4 for the abortability, and in a product specific note in the AT command description for the PIN check.

u-blox technical documentation

As part of our commitment to customer support, u-blox maintains an extensive volume of technical documentation for our products. In addition to our product-specific technical data sheets, the following manuals are available to assist u-blox customers in product design and development.

AT Commands Manual: This document provides the description of the AT commands supported by u-blox cellular modules.

System Integration Manual: This document describes u-blox cellular modules from the hardware and the software point of view. It provides hardware design guidelines for the optimal integration of the cellular module in the application device and it provides information on how to set up production and final product tests on application devices integrating the cellular module.

Application Notes: These documents provide guidelines and information on specific u-blox cellular module hardware or software topics.

  • For some guidelines when developing applications for LTE Cat 1 technologies, see the LARA-R6 series application development guide [1].

  • For some guidelines when developing applications for LTE Cat M1 technologies, see the SARA-R41 application development guide [2] or the LEXI-R4 / SARA-R42 application development guide [3] or the SARA-R5 series application development guide [4].

  • For some guidelines when developing applications for NB-IoT technologies, see the SARA-N3 series application development guide [5] or the NB-IoT application development guide [6].

  • For more examples of typical scenarios when developing application for LTE Cat 4, LTE Cat 1, UMTS/HSPA and GSM/GPRS technologies, see the AT commands examples application note [7].

See Related documentation for application notes related to your cellular module.


If you have any questions about u-blox Cellular Hardware Integration, please:

  • Read this manual carefully

  • Contact our information service on our homepage

  • Read the questions and answers on our FAQ database

Technical Support

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Our website ( is a rich pool of information. Product information, technical documents and helpful FAQ can be accessed 24h a day.

By email

If you have technical problems or cannot find the required information in the provided documents, contact the nearest of the Technical Support offices by email. Use our service pool email addresses rather than any personal email address of our staff. This makes sure that your request is processed as soon as possible. You will find the contact details at the end of the document.

Helpful Information when Contacting Technical Support

When contacting Technical Support please have the following information ready:

  • Module type (e.g. SARA-G350-00S-00) and firmware version (e.g. 08.49)

  • Module configuration

  • Clear description of your question or the problem

  • A short description of the application

  • Your complete contact details

Last updated: Jan 13, 2025
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