Appendix: AT Commands List

Parameters stored in profiles and NVM

The following table lists the commands whose parameter settings could be stored in profile or in non volatile memory (NVM). The factory-programmed values of those parameters are provided, too.

For AT commands with parameter settings saved in the profile, some settings apply uniformly across all AT interfaces and are marked as "Shared" under the "Profile" column. Other settings allow different configurations for each AT interface.

Some AT command interfaces are dynamically activated, meaning they are not initialized at boot. For example:

  • The MUX AT channel is activated only when the MUX protocol is established.

  • The USB AT channel activates when the USB cable is plugged in and deactivates when it is removed.

Since each activation reloads the AT command profile from NVM for the activated interface, shared "AT interface configurations" may be overwritten. If an AT command interface is dynamically activated, it is recommended to reconfigure the desired settings to ensure correct values.

To store and display the profiles, see the AT&W and AT&V commands description.

Since each AT interface has its own configuration in RAM and NVM, AT configuration sharing is an exceptional condition. See Section 1.4

Saving AT commands configuration

To store the AT commands configuration saved in profiles:

  • Write the run-time configuration (if changed) of the AT commands to the NVM by the AT&W command (e.g. AT&W0)

To store the AT commands configuration saved in NVM:

  • Since the permanent saving of the NVM content is achieved by a low priority process, it can be delayed by other module activities as network procedures, call management, and so on. To effectively save the run-time configuration of the commands, it is advisable to switch off or reboot the module with +CPWROFF or +CFUN=15 or +CFUN=16 AT commands.

Table 27. LEXI-R10
CommandDescriptionVolatileProfileNVMFactory values / Remarks


Select character set configuration

<chset>: IRA


GPIO functionality setting


UE modes of operation for EPS


EPS Network registration status reporting



PDP context definition


Define EPS quality of service


EPS Network registration status reporting

Not shared


Default CID and preferred protocol type configuration

<cid>: 1
<preferred_protocol_type>: 0


Disable data when roaming

<data_flag>: 0


Aiding server configuration

<days>: 14
<period>: 4
<resolution>: 1
<mode>: 0





LwM2M client activation/deactivation

<activation_mode>: 0


LwM2M reporting

<n>: 0
<verbosity_mask>: 1




eDRX setting

<mode>: 0


Network error code reporting

Not shared


Operator selection

<mode>: 0
<format>: 2
<oper>: ""


Network registration status reporting


<n>: 0


Connection status signalling

<n>: 0


Band configuration


Signal quality change reporting control

Not shared

<rpt>: 0
<var>: 0


Integrity check on test networks configuration

<integrity_check_enabled>: 1


Frequency / Cell Lock


MNO profile configuration

<MNO>: 90



NAS timers configuration


USIM simulator and PS configuration


Radio Policy Manager (RPM) configuration


Radio Policy Manager (RPM) parameters configuration


Set network adapter parameters

<nat_value>: 0
<pppauth>: 0


Controls the data path for the network adapter

<op>: 0
<urc_en>: 0


Power Saving Mode setting

<mode>: 0
<Requested_Periodic_TAU>: 00110100
<Requested_Active_Time>: 00100101


Deep-sleep mode indication

<mode>: 0


Power saving control

<mode>: 0


Enables or disables URCs to be sent when the module enters and exits deep-sleep modes

Not shared

<enable_urc>: 0



Bearer Independent Protocol status indication

<mode>: 0


SIM hot insertion detection

<sim_hot_insertion>: 0


(U)SIM initialization status reporting

<mode>: 0


Preferred message format


<mode>: 1


New message indication

<mode>: 1
<mt>: 0
<bm>: 0
<ds>: 0
<bfr>: 0


Preferred message storage


Service center address


Cell broadcast message types

Not shared

<mode>: 0


Show text mode parameters

Not shared


Select message service

<fo>: 17
<vp>: 167
<dcs>: 0


Select message service

Not shared


Antenna dynamic tuner

<atun_enable>: 0



UART HW flow control settings

<param_val>: 0


Restore factory configuration

<fs_op>: 0
<nvm_op>: 0


FOTA reporting

<n>: 0


NVM RAM mode management


RING line handling

<mode>: 0


Serial interfaces configuration

<requested_variant>: 0


UART baud rate and flow control NVM management

<rate>: 115200
<fctrl>: 3


Multiple URCs reporting

Not shared


USB profiles configuration


Configures USB capability to allow module to enter sleep state

<usb_allow_sleep>: 0



<time>: 00/01/01,00:00:00+00


Mobile termination error reporting



Set greeting text

<mode>: 1


Time zone reporting



Automatic time zone update

<on_off>: 1


Discarding configuration for TCP packets not fitting windows size

<discard>: 1


DCD status

Not shared

<value>: 1


DTR status

Not shared

<value>: 2


Flow control status

<value>: 3


Echo status

Not shared

<value>: 1


DTE-DCE character framing

<format>: 3
<parity>: 0


DTE-DCE local flow control

<DCE_by_DTE>: 2
<DTE_by_DCE>: 2


Baud rate

<rate>: 115200


Result code suppression

Not shared

<value>: 0


DCE response format

Not shared

<value>: 1

Estimated maximum command response time

After having sent a command to a u-blox cellular module, the time to obtain a result code depends on the SIM and the network. Immediate response is possible, if the command does not interact with either the SIM or the network.

The following table reports the maximum time to get the result code for the AT commands, which are grouped by categories.

CategoryEstimated maximum time to get responseCommands

Power off

  • 5 s


Set module functionality

  • 5 s


Data connection commands

  • Up to 45 seconds


Network scan and selection commands

  • Up to 60 s


RRC connection handling

< 10 s


FPLMN list handling

< 5 s


Signal quality change reporting control

< 5 s



  • Up to 3 minutes

  • 5 s


Delete all SMSes

< 55 s


Send SMS

  • 60 s (calculated from prompt ">")


SMS acknowledgement to MT

  • 30 s


Inline send message

< 60 s


SMS list message

< 10 s


Preferred message storage

< 10 s


SIM management

< 10 s


SIM toolkit

< 20 s

PDP context activation and deactivation

  • Up to 45 seconds


PDP context modification

  • Up to 45 seconds


Restore configuration

< 5 s


End user test (antenna dynamic tuner control)

< 5 s


GPIO commands

< 10 s


Internet suite (socket connect)

  • < 70 s


Internet suite (socket connect with SSL)

  • < 70 s


Internet suite (socket write)

  • < 60 s


Internet suite (UDP socket write)

  • < 60 s


Internet suite (socket closure)

  • 5 s


Internet suite

  • 15 s


Resolve name/IP number through DNS

  • < 1 s


Wi-Fi scan configuration

< 255 s


MQTT command

  • immediate


SNTP Command

< 45 s


Multiple AT command interfaces

u-blox cellular modules support multiple AT command interfaces, that means a number of virtual or physical channels that work as described in Definitions. Each interface maintains its own run-time AT commands configuration (AT command profile), which can be different among the interfaces.

At the module start-up, since there is only a set of the profiles (not one for each interface), all the interfaces are configured in the same way (AT commands configuration for the commands in the profile is the same for all the interfaces). Subsequently, each interface can change its run-time AT profile (stored in RAM). The commands AT&W, AT&V manage this run-time AT commands configuration for the interface where they are issued.

The USB interface implements multiple AT command interfaces. Unlike the other physical interfaces (e.g. UART, SPI), AT command interfaces over USB only exist when the module is connected to DTE by USB. If the USB connection between the module and the DTE is interrupted (e.g. by USB cable removal), all the AT command interfaces running on it are destroyed. This has two main consequences:

  • Any data connection (both circuit switched and packet switched) established over an AT command interface associated to the USB interface is released.

  • Whenever the USB connection between the module and the DTE is re-established, the AT command interfaces running on it are created, and for each of these interfaces the AT command profile is reloaded from NVM and applied.

The reload of the AT command profile from the NVM also results in the re-application of the +UPSV setting, which is a shared "AT interface configuration". This must be kept in mind, since the change could have impacts on the communication over the UART interface.

As mentioned in Definitions, generally there is not difference in the execution of an AT command among the interfaces. But, there are some exceptions due to interface restrictions. In particular, the differences relate to AT commands that configure the DCE-DTE interface.

Table 28 provides the major differences.

Table 28. Interface comparison
AT commandUART / AUX UART (where available)MultiplexerUSB (where available)SPI (where available)



When it returns OK (the configuration is allowed), it is effective

When it returns OK (the configuration is allowed), it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)

When it returns OK (the configuration is allowed), it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)



Returns OK, but it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)

Returns OK, but it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)

Returns OK, but it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)



When it returns OK (the configuration is allowed), it is effective

When it returns OK (the configuration is allowed), it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)

When it returns OK (the configuration is allowed), it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)



Returns OK, but it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)

Returns OK, but it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)

Returns OK, but it is not effective (only change the value in NVM)



Returns OK, but it changes UART setting

Returns OK, but it changes UART setting

Returns OK, but it changes UART setting

When using two or more AT interfaces, the following points shall be considered:

  • Since each AT interface has its own AT configuration stored in NVM, it is not needed to re-configure the AT interface at each module start-up (for the settings that are persistent and if each AT interface requires different settings). This can be done once, before using the AT&W command on each AT interface to store the configuration.

  • +UPSV setting is applied in the same way regardless the AT interface where it is issued. In particular, the configured <Timeout> value is global and valid for every AT interface.

LEXI-R10401D-00B / LEXI-R10801D-00B
  • Multiple direct link connections are not allowed. When considering the number of active direct links, take into account also the connection established by the +USODL AT command, the UHTTP direct link mode (see parameters http_command=6 and http_command=7 in +UHTTPC command), the UMQTT binary mode (see parameter op_code=9 in +UMQTTC to publish a binary message to a topic), the +USOWR AT command for binary mode, and the +FREAD AT command.

LEXI-R10401D-01B / LEXI-R10801D-01B / LEXI-R10801D-51B / LEXI-R10001D / LEXI-R10011D / SARA-R10
  • Multiple direct link connections are not allowed. When considering the number of active direct links, take into account also the connection established by the +USODL AT command, the UHTTP direct link mode (see parameters http_command=6 and http_command=7 in +UHTTPC command), the UMQTT binary mode (see parameter op_code=9 in +UMQTTC to publish a binary message to a topic), the UFTP direct link mode (see parameter op_code=6 in +UFTPC command), the +USOWR AT command for binary mode, the +FREAD AT command, and the +ULSTFILE AT command for listing FS files (see parameter op_code=0).

Last updated: Jan 13, 2025
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