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u-center 2 user guide
1. Markdown tests
2. Overview
3. System requirements
4. Getting started
5. New section
NORA-W36 user guide
User guide
1 Overview
2 Key features
3 u-connectXpress software
4 Bluetooth use cases
5 Wi-Fi use cases
6 MQTT use cases
7 Send and receive data
9 Diagnosic tools
10 Error codes
11 Software update
12 Related information
NORA-W36 user guide
User guide
1 Overview
2 Key features
3 u-connectXpress software
4 Bluetooth use cases
5 Wi-Fi use cases
6 MQTT use cases
7 Send and receive data
9 Diagnosic tools
10 Error codes
11 Software update
12 Related information
Platform & Software
Docu Test
User guide
1 Overview
1.1 Getting started with s-center 2
1.2 Product description
1.2.2 Multiradio and Wi-Fi modules
2 Key features
2.1 Bluetooth GATT connection
2.2 Bluetooth SPS connection
2.3 Wi-Fi station connection
2.4 Wi-Fi access point connection
3 u-connectXpress software
3.1 Software architecture
3.2 Operating modes
3.2.1 Changing operating modes
3.3 NORA-W36 capabilities
4 Bluetooth use cases
4.1 Bluetooth SPS central
4.2 Bluetooth SPS peripheral
4.3 Bluetooth GATT client
4.4 Bluetooth GATT server
4.5 Bluetooth advertise
4.6 Bluetooth security
4.7 Bluetooth security initiater
4.8 Bluetooth security responder
5 Wi-Fi use cases
5.1 Wi-Fi station
5.2 Wi-Fi access point
5.3 Wi-Fi TCP client
5.4 Wi-Fi TCP server (listener)
5.5 Wi-Fi UDP client
5.6 Wi-Fi UDP server (listener)
5.7 Wi-Fi TCP using TLS without certificates
5.8 Wi-Fi TCP using TLS with certificates
5.9 Create own certificates using OpenSSL
6 MQTT use cases
6.1 MQTT client without TLS
6.2 MQTT TLS client - Mosquitto
6.3 MQTT TLS client - Thingstream
6.4 MQTT TLS client - AWS IoT Core
6.5 MQTT TLS client - Azure IoT Hub
7 Send and receive data
7.1 String mode
7.1.1 Socket write string
7.1.2 Socket read string
7.1.3 SPS write string
7.1.4 SPS read string
7.2 Binary mode
7.2.1 Socket write binary
7.2.2 Socket read binary
7.2.3 SPS write binary
7.2.4 SPS read binary
7.3 Transparent mode
7.4 Transparent mode persistent
8 Binary data
8.1 Example of AT command for Binary mode
8.2 Example of AT command for certificate upload
8.3 Python pseudo code example
8.4 C# Pseudo code example
9 Diagnosic tools
9.1 Ping
9.2 Diagnostics iperf
9.4 Iperf client
10 Error codes
10.1 Extended error code
10.2 Extended error codes on/off
10.3 Socket error
11 Software update
11.1 Update software by AT command
11.2 Update software by bootloader
12 Related information
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