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Add the following content to the conf.py file a markdown file is used as source, and fill the empty values.
project - will be the title of the documentation
master_doc is the the filename of the documentation without the file type postfix
conf.py content:
project = ''
copyright = '' #unused
release = '' #unused
version = '' #unused
extensions = ['myst_parser']
myst_enable_extensions = ["colon_fence", "html_admonition", "strikethrough", "attrs_block", "smartquotes"]
master_doc = ''
project = 'Markdown Examples'
copyright = '2024, u-blox'
release = 'v23.10'
version = 'v23.10.78326'
extensions = ['myst_parser']
myst_enable_extensions = ["colon_fence", "html_admonition", "strikethrough", "attrs_block", "smartquotes"]
master_doc = 'userGuide'