Terms & Conditions - u-blox Portal

By accessing, browsing through, extracting or using any kind of content, documentation, information or software (hereafter “Content”) on portal.u-blox.com or any part thereof (“u-blox Portal”), you confirm to have acknowledged and agreed to the following terms of use of the u-blox Portal:

  • Terms of use: Other than these terms of use u-blox’s Terms & Conditions - u-blox Website as well as its Privacy Policy apply to the use of the u-blox Portal.
  • Security: Keep your password secret and safe. You are responsible for any activities taking place on the u-blox Portal and using your login data. On the other hand, refrain from attempting to impersonate someone else either through the registration system or by choice of screen name.
  • Search before asking: Before creating a new discussion thread, please conduct a thorough search for pre‑existing Q&As on the same topic. This cuts down on duplication and improves navigation and searching. Moderators may move threads (or individual postings) that are misplaced. Also, be aware that domain experts who contribute to u-blox Portal are not paid to do so. They will lose patience with repetitive questions that lack vital clues or relevance.
  • Titles of discussion: Give threads and postings clear and appropriate titles, summarizing the topic as well as identifying the product under discussion. Bear in mind that titles are used by search engines as well as by other users.
  • Clarity: Please make content as straight forward and clear as possible. Users who are not native English speakers may find it difficult to understand metaphors, slang or other obscure expressions. Also, cut out any unnecessary or irrelevant content and keep postings as short as possible, concise and relevant.
  • Provide context: Please include as much context as possible when posting a question. For example, provide product names and version numbers when asking advice about a u‑blox product.
  • Behavior: Be respectful of other users at all times, even if they know less than you do. Abrasive or insulting responses may constitute abusive content and be subject to removal. In grave or repetitive cases, we will remove such users from the u-blox Portal and consider legal action.
  • Acknowledge good responses: Acknowledge responses that succeed in solving your problem by using the u-blox Portal’s accepted solution feature. You may also award kudos where a posting or community member has been helpful. These help other users to decide whether a solution fits their own problem. If you end up solving the problem yourself, post details of the solution. Other users with the same problem could be watching your thread. Posting recognized solutions and gaining kudos contributes to your own standing in the communities.
  • Feedback: If you find what you believe to be an inaccuracy in the u-blox Portal, either post a correction, or contact the u-blox Portal moderators. The moderators will do their best to respond as quickly as possible.

Issue 14 February 2019
