NEO-D9S series
u-blox D9 correction data receiver
Easy evaluation of u-blox NEO-D9C QZSS L6 correction service receiver
For NEO-D9C evaluation
The C101-D9C application board allows easy evaluation of NEO-D9C, the u-blox QZSS L6 correction service receiver module.
NEO-D9C is a satellite receiver for QZSS L6 high precision GNSS correction services - CLAS and Madoca. It decodes the satellite signals and outputs a correction stream which can be further processed on host and fed to an RTK GNSS receiver, to enable centimeter-level accuracy.
The C101-D9C application board has a built-in USB interface for both power supply and NEO-D9C module data transfer.
The u-center evaluation software provides a powerful platform for evaluating u-blox GNSS and L-band data receivers.