ZED-F9K module
High precision dead reckoning with integrated IMU sensors
u-blox F9 GNSS dead reckoning evaluation kit
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u-blox F9 GNSS DR, RTK, and L-Band evaluation kit, supporting ZED-F9L, ZED‑F9K, and NEO-D9S modules
With the EVK-F9DR evaluation kit, Automotive OEMs and Tier1 suppliers can evaluate the u-blox F9 automotive dead reckoning (ADR) and Real-time kinematic (RTK) technologies. Evaluate the sub-meter accuracy of ZED-F9L with its built-in sensors for ADR or the decimeter-level accuracy of ZED-F9K with its built-in ADR technology and RTK. EVK-F9DR also includes a microcontroller to directly interface to a vehicle’s CAN-bus. When the CAN-bus cannot be directly supported due to the very diverse nature of the specification, digital and analog (WT/DIR pin) inputs are available for speed and direction inputs.
The u-center evaluation software provides a powerful platform for evaluation of u-blox GNSS receivers. With u-center, data can be logged as well as visualized in real time. The u-center software contains an NTRIP client that can be used to manage the RTCM correction stream from commercial services. In addition, the correction stream can also be received via L-band using the NEOD9S available in this kit. The user-friendly interface and many secondary power supply options make it ideally suited for use in laboratories, test vehicles (drive testing), and outdoor locations.