NORA-W36 u-connectXpress user guide

NORA-W36 u-connectXpress

Stand-alone multiradio modules

User guide

short range

This document provides an overview of the u-connectXpress software for u-blox short range modules
and describes how the products can be configured for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy use cases.

short rangeshort range

Document information

TitleNORA-W36 series u-connectXpress
SubtitleStand-alone multiradio modules
Document typeUser guide
Document numberUBX-23008692
Revision and dateR02, 18-Oct-2024
Disclosure restrictionC1-Public


This document applies to the following products


Product nameSoftware version
NORA-W36 series1.2.0

u-blox or third parties may hold intellectual property rights in the products, names, logos, and designs included in this document. Copying, reproduction, or modification of this document or any part thereof is only permitted with the express written permission of u-blox. Disclosure to third parties is permitted for clearly public documents only.
The information contained herein is provided “as is” and u-blox assumes no liability for its use. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited to, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, and fitness for a particular purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time without notice. For the most recent documents, visit
Copyright © u-blox AG

1 Overview

This document describes how to set up and use u-blox short range stand-alone modules with u-connectXpress software for NORA-W36. It explains the functionality of different u-blox short range stand-alone modules and includes examples that describe how to use the software in different environments with AT commands. The document is applicable for Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE), multiradio, and Wi-Fi modules.
Several u-blox short range stand-alone modules support open software variants. For more information about the available options, see the corresponding system integration manuals for u-blox short range stand-alone modules.
For older generation modules like ODIN-W2, NINA-W15 and ANNA-B1, u-connectXpress user guide describe the functionality of these modules.

1.1 Getting started with s-center 2

Downloading and installing

  1. Download the latest version of s-center 2
  2. Double click the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions
  3. Launch s-center 2 when the installation is completed

s-center 2

1.2 Product description

u-blox modules are developed for integration into a vast range of devices that demand a high level of reliability, such as those that are typically used in industrial and medical applications.
These professional grade modules operate over an extended temperature range and are approved for radio type application products in many countries. By choosing to use u-blox short range stand-alone modules, the cost and work involved in developing wireless communication solutions is significantly reduced.

HostIn this document, a host refers to the device connected to a u-blox short range stand-alone module
through any of the available physical interfaces. In a real application, the host is typically
a microcontroller Unit (MCU) running a customer specific application.
ModuleIn this document, module refers to a u-blox stand-alone module.
A module can also refer to a self-contained unit or item that is linked with similar units of a larger system that performs a defined task.
Remotedevice A remote device in a wireless network connecting over the Bluetooth Low Energy or Wi-Fi interfaces supported in the module.

1.3 Multiradio and Wi-Fi modules

u-blox compact and powerful stand-alone, multiradio modules are designed for the development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. NORA-W36 modules include an embedded Bluetooth stack, Wi-Fi driver, IP stack, and an application for wireless data transfer. The wireless support includes Bluetooth v5.3 (Low Energy) and dual-band Wi-Fi (2.4 and 5 GHz bands).
The modules support point-to-point and point-to-multipoint configurations and can accommodate concurrent Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections. The software provides support for micro Access Point.
They are delivered with u-connectXpress software that provides support for u-blox Bluetooth LE Serial Port Service, Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) client and server, Bluetooth beacons, simultaneous Peripheral and Central roles – all configurable from a host by means of AT commands.

2 Key features

The possibility of replacing serial cables with simple wireless connections is a key feature of u-blox modules. It allows system hosts to transfer data to one another over wireless Bluetooth connections that are established between u-blox modules in Central/Peripheral configuration.
Depending on the module capabilities, data from each host is transferred to local u-blox modules over a serial UART interface.
u-blox modules can be configured to automatically establish new connections and/or accept incoming connections using AT commands. For connected hosts, this means that physical serial cables can be replaced with more convenient wireless solutions.

2.1 Bluetooth GATT connection

NORA-W36 can function as either a Central or Peripheral unit, connecting to devices such as laptops, cellular phones, and tablets using the Generic Attribut Profile (GATT).

2.2 Bluetooth SPS connection

NORA-W36 can function as either a Central or Peripheral unit, connecting to devices such as laptops, cellular phones, and tablets via the u-blox Serial Port Service (SPS).

2.3 Wi-Fi station connection

NORA-W36 can operate as a Station connecting to an Access Point.

2.4 Wi-Fi access point connection

NORA-W36 can operate as an Access Point connecting to other devices that operate as Stations.

3 u-connectXpress software

3.1 Software architecture

u-connectXpress software for u-blox short range stand-alone modules makes it easy to integrate Bluetooth and Wi Fi connectivity into both new and existing products.
In several high-end modules, u-connectXpress software contains separate stacks for the Bluetooth Low Energy (LE), wireless Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and wireless Internet Protocol (IP). The necessary Wi-Fi drivers are also included. Other module variants support different combinations of these stacks.
The figure below shows the logical components for high-end (NORA-W36) modules.

short range

3.2 Operating modes

NORA-W36 operates in the following modes:

  • AT mode (default): AT commands and data can be send at the same time. Data is sent and received in AT commands and events - in string or binary mode
  • Transparent Mode (TM): All data sent and received on the UART is connected to the remote device
  • Transparent Mode Persistent (TMP): Same as TM, but the connection is established at startup or when the connection is dropped

Additionally, the module supports various low-power modes, which optimize power consumption regardless of the operating mode. See also Low power modes and Power consumption optimization.
Deep sleep is supported with the command AT+UPMDS, see AT command manual and Data sheet for more information.

3.2.1 Changing operating modes

u-blox modules can be configured to start in any operating mode. Once up and running, the modules can be switched between most modes. The modes are changed with a command or escape sequence sent to the module:

  • Switch from Command mode to Transparent mode using an AT command
  • Switch from Transparent mode to command mode with an escape sequence.

The module is controlled using AT commands in (default) Command mode. In this mode, the host sends control and configuration commands and indicates when data is to be sent over the UART interface.

3.3 NORA-W36 capabilities

u-connectXpress featuresCapability in 1.2.0
MultiradioBluetooth Low Energy 5.3 and Wi-Fi 4 dual band 2,4 and 5 GHz
Wi-Fi Access Point5 Stations connected
TCP/UDP sockets6 Simultaneous sockets (Note that a listening socket requires 2 sockets)
MQTT Connections1 Connection (client)
BLE Central connections3 Peripherals connected
BLE Peripheral connections1 Central connected
BLE Scatternet connections (C+P)Central with 1 Peripheral connected, advertising and
allow incoming connection as Peripheral
BLE Link key storage30 Devices. The keys that are the least used are removed first when storage is full
Coexistence Wi-Fi, BLE and TLSMax 1 TLS client, 1 BLE, 2 TCP Client
Data transfer modes- Buffer Mode (event and read data)
- Direct Mode (data in event)
- Transparent mode (like serial port cable replacement)
Buffer Mode is Default, Transparent mode only supports one link.
Transparent Mode has highest throughput, then Direct Mode and then Buffer Mode
SPS MTU size244 bytes, 1000 bytes can be sent in AT command
TCP MTU size1460 bytes, 1000 bytes can be sent in AT command
UDP MTU size1460 bytes, 1000 bytes can be sent in AT command


u-connectXpress software componentsVersions in 1.2.0
Realtek SDK including Bluetooth stack and Wi-Fi drivers6.2 + patches eb65546, 03911c3, 6dfd87c, bf52a1f, 1bcc6de, 373f322, 0a63ad1
lwIP TCP/IP stack2.0.3
Mbed TLS cryptographic algorithms2.4.0



u-connectXpress MQTT clientVersions in 1.2.0
MQTT version3.1.1
MQTT capabilitiesPublish, Subscribe, TLS, QoS, Testament and Last will
MQTT maximum packets size730 bytes for Publish and Subscribe packets



u-connectXpress Enterprise securityCapability in 1.2.0
PEAP Authentication methodPEAPv0 with EAP-MSCHAPv2
EAP Authentication methodEAP Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)
EAP-TLS certificate key size supported2048 bits (4096 bits can exceed memory limitations)


u-connectXpress TLS featureTLS capability in 1.2.0
TLS versionOnly TLS1.2 (TLS 1.3 is planned for future versions)
TLS max number of connections1
TLS extensions enabled by defaultServer Name Indication (SNI), Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation
TLS Encryption keysAdvanced Encryption Standard (AES). Data Encryption Standard (DES), Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4), and the Camellia cipher are not supported.
X.509 security certificate formats supportedPEM (DER not supported)
TLS over TCP certificate key size supported4096 bits
TLS certificatesUp to 8 certifications (or certificate chains) can be stored.
Certificates can be maximum 15360 bytes.
TLS Cipher Suites (28suites)TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 (0xc024)
TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (0x006b)
TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0x0067)
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (0x003d)
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0x003c)
TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 (0x00b7)
TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0x00b6)
TLS Signature Hash Algorithms SupportedMD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, RIPEMD160
TLS Signature Hash Algorithms (10 algorithms)ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512 (0x0603)
rsa_pkcs1_sha512 (0x0601)
ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384 (0x0503)
rsa_pkcs1_sha384 (0x0501)
ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256 (0x0403)
rsa_pkcs1_sha256 (0x0401)
SHA224 ECDSA (0x0303)
SHA224 RSA (0x0301)
ecdsa_sha1 (0x0203)
rsa_pkcs1_sha1 (0x0201)
TLS ExtensionsServer name (SNI)
Max fragment length: 4096 (4)

More information about the AT commands used in this use cases can be found in the NORA-W36 AT command manual.

4 Bluetooth use cases

The following Bluetooth Low Energy use case, show some functionality to get started with GATT client, GATT server and SPS.

u-connectXpress BLE default values1.2.0
BLE Mode defaultON, Central and Peripheral (3)
BLE Advertising defaultOFF, enable with AT+UBTA=1

The following examples use the MAC address below, this must be replaced by the real MAC address of the devices that are used.

  • Peripheral MAC address: AAAAAAAAAAAA
  • Central MAC address: BBBBBBBBBBB

4.1 Bluetooth GATT client

This use case configures NORA-W36 as a Central device that operates as a GATT client and receives data.

This use case configuration is used in combination with Bluetooth GATT server.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Check that Bluetooth Central is enabled.
1: Central or
3: Central and Peripheral
. If so jump to step 6.
2Enable Bluetooth
1: Central or
3: Central and Peripheral
3Store commandAT&W 
5Wait for NORA-W36 to startup +STARTUP
7Discover Services and look for 180D, which is the descriptor for the Heart Rate service.AT+UBTGPSD=0+UBTGPSD:0,12,65535,180D
8Discover all Service Characteristics and look for 2A37, which is the descriptior for the Heart Rate Measurement characteristics.AT+UBTGSCD=0,12,65535+UBTGSCD:0,13,10,14,2A37
9Use the Value handle, which in this case is 14. The value can vary. Look for 2902, which is the descriptor for the notification.AT+UBTGCDD=0,14,15+UBTGCDD:0,13,15,2902
10Enable notification on the GATT Client the Central in this exampleAT+UBTGCCW=0,15,1 
11Notification is received on the GATT Client +UEBTGCN:0,14,60

4.2 Bluetooth GATT server

This use case configures NORA-W36 as a Peripheral device that operates as GATT server and sends notifications.

This configuration works in combination with Bluetooth GATT client.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Check that Bluetooth Peripheral is enabled
2: Peripheral and
3: Central and Peripheral. If so jump to step 6.
2Enable Bluetooth
2: Peripheral or
3: Central and Peripheral
3Store commandAT&W 
5Wait for NORA-W36 to start +STARTUP
6Enable Advertisements to allow connectionsAT+UBTA=1 
7Write the Heart Rate serviceAT+UBTGS=180D+UBTGS:12
8Write the GATT characteristic and enable notificationAT+UBTGC=2A37,3A,1,1,0+UBTGC:14,15
9Wait for incoming Bluetooth connectionAT+UBTGCDD=0,14,15+UEBTC:0,BBBBBBBBBBB
10Get the MTU for the connection (optional)AT+UBTCST=0,4+UBTCST:4,247
11Get the Role for the connection (optional)AT+UBTCST=0,8+UBTCST:8,1
12Send a notification from the GATT Server using the value handleAT+UBTGNS=0,14,60

4.3 Bluetooth SPS central

This use case configures NORA-W36 as a Central device that sends and receives data from another NORA-W36 module operating as a Peripheral device. The communication between the two modules is facilitated using the proprietary u-blox Serial Port Service. It is also possible to connect to other devices that supports the SPS protocol.
This use case operates in combination with Bluetooth SPS peripheral.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Check that Bluetooth Central is enabled. 1:Central or
3:Central and Peripheral
. If so, jump to step 6.
2Enable Bluetooth 1:Central or
3:Central and Peripheral
3Store commandAT&W 
5Wait for NORA-W36 to start +STARTUP
6Initiate Bluetooth discovery. Listen for advertising packets broadcast from Peripheral device.AT+UBTD+UBTD:AAAAAAAAAAAAp,-52,"NORA-W36-AAAAAA",0,10094E4F52412D5733362D414141414141
8Read MTU, maximum data sizeAT+UBTCST=0,4+UBTCST:4,247
9Read RSSI (optional)AT+UBTRSS=0+UBTRSS:-52
10Connect SPS using handle of Bluetooth connectionAT+USPSC=0 
11SPS connection is up +UESPSC:0
12It is now possible to send and receive SPS data in String or Binary mode  
13Disconnect the SPS and Bluetooth connectionAT+UBTDC=0+UESPSDC:0

4.4 Bluetooth SPS peripheral

This use case configures NORA-W36 module as a Peripheral device that sends and receives data from another NORA-W36 module operating as a Central device. The communication between the two modules is facilitated using the proprietary u-blox Serial Port Service. It is also possible to connect to other devices that support the SPS protocol.
This use case configuration is used in combination with Bluetooth SPS central.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT events
1Check that Bluetooth Peripheral is enabled.
2: Peripheral and
3: Central and Peripheral. If so, jump to step 6
2Enable Bluetooth
2: Peripheral or
3: Central and Peripheral
3Store commandAT&W 
5Wait for NORA-W36 to startup +STARTUP
6Enable SPS on PeripheralAT+USPS=1 
7Enable AdvertisementsAT+UBTA=1 
8Peripheral receives Incoming Bluetooth connection +UEBTC:0,BBBBBBBBBBBBp
9Read MTU, maximum data size on bothAT+UBTCST=0,4+UBTCST:4,247
10Read RSSI (optional)AT+UBTRSS=0+UBTRSS:-52
11Central Connect SPS using handle of Bluetooth connectionAT+USPSC=0+UESPSC:0
12It is now possible to send and receive SPS data in String or Binary mode  
13SPS and Bluetooth link is down +UESPSDC:0

4.5 Bluetooth advertise

This use case configures NORA-W36 as a peripheral device that operates as a GATT client and receives data.

This use case configuration is used in combination with Apple iPhone using the The Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS).

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Check that Bluetooth Peripheral is enabled
2: Peripheral and
3: Central and Peripheral. If so, jump to step 6.
2Enable Bluetooth
2: Peripheral or
3: Central and Peripheral
3Store commandAT&W 
5Wait for NORA-W36 to start +STARTUP
6Set Apple ANCS Advertise data packetAT+UBTAD=1115D0002D121E4B0FA4994ECEB531F40579 
7Enable AdvertisementsAT+UBTA=1 
8Peripheral receives Incoming Bluetooth connection +UEBTC:0,BBBBBBBBBBBBp
9Discover Services and look for 180A that is the Device InformationAT+UBTGPSD=0+UBTGPSD:0,1,5,1800
10Discover all Service Characteristics and look for the attribute 2A29, which describes the Manufacturer Name String characteristicsAT+UBTGSCD=0,10,14+UBTGSCD:0,11,02,12,2A29
11Read the Manufacturer Name String Apple Inc. characteristics on handle 12AT+UBTGR=0,12+UBTGR:0,12,4170706C6520496E632E (Apple Inc.)

4.6 Bluetooth security


  • Pairing is the initial process where two Bluetooth devices exchange information necessary to establish an encrypted connection
  • During pairing, devices negotiate security parameters, such as encryption keys and authentication methods
  • It ensures that communication between devices remains confidential and secure
    Think of pairing as the handshake that sets the foundation for a secure link


  • Bonding occurs after successful pairing
  • It involves storing the information from the pairing process on both devices
  • Once bonded, devices remember each other’s security credentials (keys) for future reconnections
  • Bonding eliminates the need to repeat the pairing process every time the devices reconnect
  • Essentially, bonding creates a permanent security relationship between the devices

In summary

  • Pairing: Establishes the initial secure connection
  • Bonding: Ensures that the devices remember each other’s security details for subsequent interactions
  • Remember, these processes are essential for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged over Bluetooth connections

4.7 Bluetooth security initiater

Bluetooth Security is by disabled default and must be configured and enabled before use.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Set Bluetooth I/O Capabilities to Display Yes/No (2)AT+UBTIOC=2 
2Set Only allow authenticated bonding with encrypted Bluetooth link (3)AT+UBTBSM=3 
3Allow PairingAT+UBTPM=1 
5Bluetooth Connected event +UEBTC:0,BBBBBBBBBBBBp
6Bluetooth User Confirmation event, check the numer on both devices, should be the same +UEBTUC:BBBBBBBBBBBBp,786920
7Bluetooth User Confirmation, confim with yesAT+UBTUC=BBBBBBBBBBBBp,1 
8Bluetooth Bond success +UEBTB:BBBBBBBBBBBBp,0
9Bluetooth Bonded Devices List (optional)AT+UBTBDL+UBTBDL:BBBBBBBBBBBBp

4.8 Bluetooth security responder

Bluetooth Security is by disabled default and must be configured and enabled before use.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Check that Bluetooth Peripheral is enabled, 2: Peripheral or 3: Central and Peripheral, if so move to step 6AT+UBTM?+UBTM:2 or +UBTM:3
2Enable Bluetooth 2: Central or 3: Central and PeripheralAT+UBTM=1 or AT+UBTM=3 
3Store commandAT&W 
5Wait for NORA-W36 to startup +STARTUP
6Enable AdvertisementsAT+UBTA=1 
7Set Bluetooth I/O Capabilities to Display Yes/No (2)AT+UBTIOC=2 
8Set Only allow authenticated bonding with encrypted Bluetooth link (3)AT+UBTBSM=3 
9Allow PairingAT+UBTPM=1 
10Bluetooth Connected event +UEBTC:0,AAAAAAAAAAAAp
11Bluetooth User Confirmation event, check the numer on both devices, should be the same +UEBTUC:AAAAAAAAAAAAp,786920
12Bluetooth User Confirmation, confim with yesAT+UBTUC=AAAAAAAAAAAAp,1 
13Bluetooth Bond success +UEBTB:AAAAAAAAAAAAp,0
14Bluetooth Bonded Devices List (optional)AT+UBTBDL+UBTBDL:AAAAAAAAAAAAp


5 Wi-Fi use cases


The following Wi-Fi use case, shows some functionality to get started with Wi-Fi Station and Access Point.

The following examples use the MAC address below, this must be replaced by the real MAC address of the devices that are used.

  • Station MAC address: AAAAAAAAAAAA
  • Access Point MAC address: BBBBBBBBBBB

5.1 Wi-Fi station WPA2 and WPA3

Connect as a Wi-Fi station to an Access Point to get access to network.

This use case connects NORA-W36 as a Wi-Fi station to an Access Point for access to the network. The connection is set to DHCP client by default.

To use static IP the AT+UWSIPS set the IP address, gateway, subnet mask and DNS.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Set SSID for the NetworkAT+UWSCP=0,"NORA-W36 Access Point" 
2aSet the Password (support WPA2 and WPA3)AT+UWSSW=0,"mypassword",0 
2bSet the Password (support only WPA3)AT+UWSSW=0,"mypassword",1 
3Connect Wi-Fi stationAT+UWSC=0 
4Wait for Wi-Fi interface +UEWLU:0,BBBBBBBBBBB,6
5Wait for Network interface +UEWSNU
6Check IP address (optional)AT+UWSNST=0+UWSNST:0,
7Check RSSI (optional)AT+UWSST=4+UWSST:4,-66
8It is now possible to connect TCP and UDP, and then send and receive data in String or Binary mode.
It is also possible to connect MQTT.
9Disconnect Wi-Fi stationAT+UWSDC 

Note: If NORA-W36 should connect to Wi-Fi at startup the Connect, Store and Reset should be send, AT+UWSC=0, AT&W and AT+CPWROFF, the current Wi-Fi Station state is be stored in flash and NORA-W36 will try to connect using Service Set Identifier (SSID) and password stored at startup.

5.2 Wi-Fi PEAP enterprise security

Connect as a Wi-Fi station to an Access Point using PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol) and a RADIUS server to get access to network.

This use case connects NORA-W36 as a Wi-Fi station to an Access Point for access to the network. The connection is set to DHCP client by default.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Set SSID for the NetworkAT+UWSCP=0,"NORA-W36 Access Point" 
2Set the User and PassworkdAT+UWSSP=0,peap_user,peap_password 
3Connect Wi-Fi stationAT+UWSC=0 
4Wait for Wi-Fi interface +UEWLU:0,BBBBBBBBBBB,6
5Wait for Network interface +UEWSNU
6Check IP address (optional)AT+UWSNST=0+UWSNST:0,
7Check RSSI (optional)AT+UWSST=4+UWSST:4,-66
8It is now possible to connect TCP and UDP, and then send and receive data in String or Binary mode.
It is also possible to connect MQTT.
9Disconnect Wi-Fi stationAT+UWSDC 

Note: If NORA-W36 should connect to Wi-Fi at startup the Connect, Store and Reset should be send, AT+UWSC=0, AT&W and AT+CPWROFF, the current Wi-Fi Station state is be stored in flash and NORA-W36 will try to connect using Service Set Identifier (SSID) and password stored at startup.

5.3 Wi-Fi EAP-TLS enterprise security

Connect as a Wi-Fi station to an Access Point using Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and EAP Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) to get access to network.

This use case connects NORA-W36 as a Wi-Fi station to an Access Point for access to the network. The connection is set to DHCP client by default.

To use static IP the AT+UWSIPS set the IP address, gateway, subnet mask and DNS.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Write a X.509 certificate and private key using Binary dataAT+USECUB=0,"ca.pem"{send binary content of "ca.pem"}
AT+USECUB=1,"client.pem"{send binary content of "client.pem"}
AT+USECUB=2,"client.key"{send binary content of "client.key"}
See Binary data for more information, note that the brackets { and } should NOT be sent, they are just here in this example
1Set SSID for the NetworkAT+UWSCP=0,"NORA-W36 Access Point" 
2Set the certificates and keyAT+UWSSE=0,"ca.pem","client.pem","client.key" 
3Connect Wi-Fi stationAT+UWSC=0 
4Wait for Wi-Fi interface +UEWLU:0,BBBBBBBBBBB,6
5Wait for Network interface +UEWSNU
6Check IP address (optional)AT+UWSNST=0+UWSNST:0,
7Check RSSI (optional)AT+UWSST=4+UWSST:4,-66
8It is now possible to connect TCP and UDP, and then send and receive data in String or Binary mode.
It is also possible to connect MQTT.
9Disconnect Wi-Fi stationAT+UWSDC 

Note: If NORA-W36 should connect to Wi-Fi at startup the Connect, Store and Reset should be send, AT+UWSC=0, AT&W and AT+CPWROFF, the current Wi-Fi Station state is be stored in flash and NORA-W36 will try to connect using Service Set Identifier (SSID) and password stored at startup.

5.4 Wi-Fi access point WPA2

This use case configures NORA-W36 to act as a Wi-Fi Access Point that allows Wi-Fi Stations to connect, send, and receive data to the module.

The Wi-Fi connection has WPA2 encryption and a DHCP server that automatically assigns IP addresses to devices when they connect to the network.

The server assigns connected devices with IP addresses from + x, where ‘x’ represents the additional IP addresses that can be assigned to other devices connected to the network.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Set the SSID and select nework channel to 6 to define the frequency bandAT+UWAPCP="NORA-W36 Access Point",6 
2Set the Password, using WPA2AT+UWAPSW="mypassword" 
3Activate the Wi-Fi Access point. DHCP Server is enabled by defaultAT+UWAPA 
4Wait for Access Point +UEWAPU
5Wait for Network interface +UEWAPNU
6Check the IP address of the AP (optional)AT+UWAPNST=0+UWAPNST:0,
7Station connected +UEWAPSA:AAAAAAAAAAAA
8It is now possible to connect over TCP and UDP, and then send and receive data in String or Binary mode.
It is also possible to connect MQTT.
9Station disconnect +UEWAPSDA:AAAAAAAAAAAA
10Deactivate Wi-Fi Access PointAT+UWAPD 

wi-fi-ap Note: If NORA-W36 activates Wi-Fi Access Point at startup, Activate (AT+UWAPA), Store (AT&W) and Reset (AT+UWAPA) commands should be sent. The current Wi-Fi Access Point state is stored in flash and NORA-W36 then activates the Access Point using the stored SSID and password at startup.
IP address range is + x to connected stations.

6. Wi-Fi Sockets use cases

6.1 Wi-Fi TCP client

This use case configures NORA-W36 as a Wi-Fi TCP client device that initiates a TCP connection to a specified server (listener) over a Wi-Fi network. It actively seeks to establish communication by sending a connection request to the server’s IP address and port number, which the server is listening on.

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is bidirectional and one socket can both send and receive data:

  • ATE0 turns off the AT command echo to speed up the data transmission in AT mode. The written data is not echoed back to the host, which helps to make the parsing easier.
  • It is possible to connect using a host name like AT+USOC=0,,80 or an IP address AT+USOC=0,,80
  • TCP can both send and receive data between the TCP client and server
NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Create a TCP socketAT+USOCR=6+USOCR:0
2Connect using TCP port 5003AT+USOC=0,,5003+UESOC:0
3It is now possible to send and receive data using String or Binary mode  
4Close TCP socketAT+USOCL=0+UESOCL:0

6.2 Wi-Fi TCP server (listener)

This use case configures NORA-W36 as a Wi-Fi TCP server (listener) that is configured to accept incoming TCP connections over a Wi-Fi network. It “listens” on a specific IP address and port number for connection requests.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Create a TCP socketAT+USOCR=6+USOCR:0
2Start TCP server (listener) on port 5003AT+USOL=0,5003+UESOC:0
3Incoming TCP connection, a new handle 1 to communicate with the connection +UESOIC:0,,1
4It is now possible to send and receive data using String or Binary mode  
5TCP connection is closed from remote side +UESOCL:1
6Close TCP listenerAT+USOCL=0+UESOCL:0

6.3 Wi-Fi UDP client

Unlike TCP, the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is not bi-directional. Both an outgoing and incoming socket, AT+USOCR, are needed to send and receive data over UDP.
It is possible to connect using the host name, like AT+USOC=0,,80, or the IP address AT+USOC=0,,80

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Create a UDP socketAT+USOCR=17+USOCR:0
2Connect using UDP port 5003AT+USOC=0,,5003+UESOC:0
3It is now possible to send data using String or Binary mode  
4Close UDP socketAT+USOCL=0+UESOCL:0

6.4 Wi-Fi UDP server (listener)

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Create a UDP socketAT+USOCR=17+USOCR:0
2Start UDP server (listener) on port 5003AT+USOL=0,5003+UESOC:0
3It is now possible to receive data using String or Binary mode  
4Close UDP listenerAT+USOCL=0+UESOCL:0

6.5 Wi-Fi TCP using TLS without certificates

TLS Extensions are enabled by default but in some (mostly older) TLS servers they are not supported. See
The extensions, Server Name, Indication and Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation, are disabled with:

  • AT+USETE0=0 Server Name Indication, 0: Disable - 1: Enable (default)
  • AT+USETE1=0 Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation, 0: Disable - 1: Enable (default)
  • All other Extension are disabled and not supported.
  • It is possible to use host name like AT+USOC=0,,80 or using ip address AT+USOC=0,,80 for the connections.

TCP is bidirectional and one socket can both send and receive data.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Create a TCP socketAT+USOCR=6+USOCR:0
2Add a TLS context to a socketAT+USOTLS=0,1 
3Connect using TCP port 433AT+USOC=0,,433+UESOC:0
4It is now possible to send data using String or Binary mode  
5Close TCP socketAT+USOCL=0+UESOCL:0

6.6 Wi-Fi TCP using TLS with certificates

TCP is bidirectional and one socket can both send and receive data.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Write a X.509 certificate and private key using Binary dataAT+USECUB=0,"ca.pem"{send binary content of "ca.pem"}
AT+USECUB=1,"client.pem"{send binary content of "client.pem"}
AT+USECUB=2,"client.key"{send binary content of "client.key"}
See Binary data for more information, note that the brackets { and } should NOT be sent, they are just here in this example
2Create a TCP socketAT+USOCR=6+USOCR:0
3Add a TLS context to a socket and certificatesAT+USOTLS=0,1,"ca.pem","client.pem","client.key" 
4Connect using TCP on port 433AT+USOC=0,,433+UESOC:0
5It is now possible to send data using String or Binary mode  
6Close TCP socketAT+USOCL=0+UESOCL:0

6.7 Create own certificates using OpenSSL

Here is some example to cerate own certificates using OpenSSL
It shows how to use 2048 or 4096 bit keys length.
Use Git Bash or a Linux environment like Ubuntu to run the examples.

  • Create the root CA key
    Generate 2048 key size:
    openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
    Generate 4096 key size:
    openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096

  • Create the root CA based on ca.key
    openssl req -x509 -sha256 -new -nodes -key ca.key -days 3650 -out ca.pem

  • Create server certificate
    Create the server certificate signing request (CSR) for 2048 key size:
    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.csr -nodes
    Create the server certificate signing request (CSR) for 4096 key size:
    openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.csr -nodes

  • Create the server certificate using root CA and server csr, valid for 10 years
    openssl x509 -req -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -in server.csr -out server.pem -days 3650 -CAcreateserial

  • Create client certificate
    Create the client certificate signing request (CSR) for 2048 key size:
    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout client.key -out client.csr -nodes
    Create the client certificate signing request (CSR) for 4096 key size:
    openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client.key -out client.csr -nodes

  • Create the client certificate using root CA and client csr, valid for 10 years
    openssl x509 -req -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -in client.csr -out client.pem -days 3650 -CAcreateserial

  • In a Windows Git Bash enviroment
    winpty is a Windows software package providing an interface similar to a Unix pty-master for communicating with Windows console programs.
    Set up a local TLS 1.2 server (without CA validation in this case)
    winpty openssl s_server -CAfile ca.pem -key server.key -cert server.pem -accept 44330 -tls1_2 -state -Verify 1

    Connect to the a local TLS 1.2 server, just to try the connection (without CA validation in this case):
    winpty openssl s_client -connect localhost:44330 -CAfile ca.pem -key client.key -cert client.pem -tls1_2

  • In a Linux enviroment
    Set up a local TLS 1.2 server (without CA validation in this case)**
    openssl s_server -CAfile ca.pem -key server.key -cert server.pem -accept 44330 -tls1_2 -state -Verify 1

    Connect to the a local TLS 1.2 server, just to try the connection (without CA validation in this case):
    openssl s_client -connect localhost:44330 -CAfile ca.pem -key client.key -cert client.pem -tls1_2

Optional steps

  • Check the key size of the CA certificate:
    openssl x509 -in ca.pem -text -noout | grep "Public-Key"
    RSA Public-Key: (4096 bit)

  • Check the key size of the client certificate:
    openssl x509 -in client.pem -text -noout | grep "Public-Key"
    RSA Public-Key: (4096 bit)

  • Check the size of the client key:
    openssl rsa -in client.key -text -noout | grep "Private-Key"
    RSA Private-Key: (4096 bit, 2 primes)


7 MQTT use cases


  • The MQTT client in NORA-W36 uses version MQTT v3.1.1
  • For more about the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), see the MQTT beginner’s guide
  • The TLS implementation in NORA-W36 supports only version 1.2

7.1 MQTT client without TLS - Mosquitto

This use case connects NORA-W36 as a Wi-Fi Station and a MQTT Broker on port 1883. In this scenario, the module connects to Mosquitto without a certificate.

Parameters and values

  • Host:
  • Port: 1883 (no TLS connection)
  • Client ID: -
  • Username: -
  • Password: -
  • CA Root certificate: -
  • Client certificate: -
  • Client private key: -

Before connecting to MQTT, set up Wi-Fi Connection, as described in Wi-Fi station, steps 1-5.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Configure MQTT host and portAT+UMQCP=0,,1883 
2Connect to MQTT brokerAT+UMQC=0+UEMQC:0
3Publish Message on topic pubtopicAT+UMQP=0,0,0,"pubtopic","Helllo from NORA-W36" 
4Subscribe on topic subtopicAT+UMQS=0,0,"subtopic" 
5Post a Message to the MQTT Broker on subtopic the message should be Hello from remote device--
6Receive Message on subtopic +UEMQD:0,24
7Read String MessageAT+UMQRS=0+UMQRS:0,0,"subtopic",24,"Hello from remote device"
8Disconnect from MQTT brokerAT+UMQDC=0 

Note: Use the wildcard "*" to receive messages for all topics. Note that this option may not be supported by all brokers, like Azure.

7.2 MQTT TLS client - Mosquitto


This use case connects NORA-W36 as a Wi-Fi Station and a MQTT Broker. In this scenario, the module connects to Mosquitto using certificates.

To generate client certificate and clinet key, follow the procedures described on the Mosquitto web page:

Parameters and values

  • Host:
  • Port: 8884 (TLS)
  • Client ID: -
  • Username: -
  • Password: -
  • CA Root certificate:
  • Client certificate: client.crt
  • Client private key: client.key

Note: The parameters given in this scenario use the port 8884 for connections and encryption for security.

To authenticate the client and ensure the following:

  • Only authorized devices can establish a connection with the MQTT broker
  • Clients provide a valid certificate when making a connection
  • 1883 : MQTT, unencrypted, unauthenticated
  • 1884 : MQTT, unencrypted, authenticated
  • 8883 : MQTT, encrypted, unauthenticated
  • 8884 : MQTT, encrypted, client certificate required (used in this example)
  • 8885 : MQTT, encrypted, authenticated
  • 8886 : MQTT, encrypted, unauthenticated

Before connecting to MQTT, set up a Wi-Fi Connection like that described in Wi-Fi station, steps 1-5.

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Configure MQTT host and portAT+UMQCP=0,,8884 
2Write a X.509 certificate and private key using Binary dataAT+USECUB=0,""{send binary content of ""]
AT+USECUB=1,"client.crt"{send binary content of "client.crt"}
AT+USECUB=2,"client.key"{send binary content of "client.key"}
See Binary data for more information, note that the brackets { and } should NOT be sent, they are just here in this example.
3Setup TLS connection configAT+UMQTLS=0,1,","client.crt","client.key" 
4Connect to MQTT brokerAT+UMQC=0+UEMQC:0
5Publish Message on topic pubtopicAT+UMQP=0,0,0,"pubtopic","Helllo from NORA-W36" 
6Subscribe on topic subtopicAT+UMQS=0,0,"subtopic" 
7Post a Message to the MQTT Broker on subtopic. The message should say Hello from remote device--
8Receive Message on subtopic +UEMQD:0,24
9Read String MessageAT+UMQRS=0+UMQRS:0,0,"subtopic",24,"Hello from remote device"
10Disconnect from MQTT brokerAT+UMQDC=0 

7.3 MQTT TLS client - Thingstream


Thingstream is the u-blox service delivery platform for:

  • IoT Communication-as-a-Service
  • IoT Location-as-a-Service

This use case connects NORA-W36 as a Wi-Fi Station and a MQTT Broker. In this scenario NORA-W36 connects to Thingstream using a CA Root certificate, Client-ID, Username and Password.

Thingstream uses the AWS Root Certificate found here:

Before connecting to MQTT, set up Wi-Fi Connection, like that described Wi-Fi station, steps 1-5.
The parameters and values necessary for the the use case include:

Parameters and values

  • Host:
  • Port: 8883 (TLS)
  • Client ID: device:78e3d356-876f-483b-872f-3485853fAAAA
  • Username: HMVK8C09FQP245O2BBBB
  • Password: ofYyBB/L3GkPvo060J6Dv+t+mfrh0XpGMcf7CCCC
  • CA Root certificate: AmazonRootCA1.pem
  • Client certificate: -
  • Client private key: -

Before connecting to MQTT, set up Wi-Fi Connection like in steps 1-5 in Wi-Fi station

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Configure the MQTT host, port, client-ID, username and passswordAT+UMQCP=0,,8883,device:78e3d356-876f-483b-872f-3485853fAAAA,HMVK8C09FQP245O2BBBB,ofYyBB/L3GkPvo060J6Dv+t+mfrh0XpGMcf7CCCC+UEMQC:0
2Write a X.509 CA Root certificate using Binary dataAT+USECUB=0,"AmazonRootCA1.pem"{send binary content of "AmazonRootCA1.pem"}
See Binary data for more information, note that the brackets { and } should NOT be sent, they are just here in this example
3Set up TLS connection config. Thingstream doesn´t use a client certificate or key - only the root CA.AT+UMQTLS=0,1,AmazonRootCA1.pem" 
4Connect to MQTT brokerAT+UMQC=0+UEMQC:0
5Publish a message on pubtopicAT+UMQP=0,0,0,"pubtopic","Helllo from NORA-W36" 
6Subscribe on topic subtopicAT+UMQS=0,0,"subtopic" 
7Post a message to the MQTT broker on subtopic. The message should say Hello from remote device--
8Receive a message on subtopic +UEMQD:0,24
9Read String MessageAT+UMQRS=0+UMQRS:0,0,"subtopic",24,"Hello from remote device"
10Disconnect from MQTT brokerAT+UMQDC=0 

7.4 MQTT TLS client - AWS IoT Core

Connect as a Wi-Fi Station and a MQTT Broker. In this scenario, NORA-W36 connects to Amazon AWS IoT Core using certificates.

Parameters and values

Before connecting to MQTT, set up Wi-Fi Connection like in steps 1-5 in Wi-Fi station

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Configure MQTT host and portAT+UMQCP=0,,8883 
2Write a X.509 certificate and private key using Binary dataAT+USECUB=0,"AmazonRootCA1.pem"{send binary content of "AmazonRootCA1.pem"}
AT+USECUB=1,"aws_client.crt"{send binary content of "aws_client.crt"}
AT+USECUB=2,"aws_priv_key.key"{send binary content of "aws_priv_key.key"}
See Binary data for more information, note that the brackets { and } should NOT be sent, they are just here in this example
3Setup TLS connection configAT+UMQTLS=0,1,"AmazonRootCA1.pem","aws_client.crt","aws_priv_key.key" 
4Connect to MQTT brokerAT+UMQC=0+UEMQC:0
5Publish Message on topic pubtopicAT+UMQP=0,0,0,"pubtopic","Helllo from NORA-W36" 
6Subscribe on topic subtopicAT+UMQS=0,0,"subtopic" 
7Post a Message to the MQTT Broker on subtopic the message should be Hello from remote device--
8Receive Message on subtopic +UEMQD:0,24
9Read String MessageAT+UMQRS=0+UMQRS:0,0,"subtopic",24,"Hello from remote device"
10Disconnect from MQTT brokerAT+UMQDC=0 

7.5 MQTT TLS client - Azure IoT Hub

Connect as a Wi-Fi Station and an Access Point and a MQTT Broker. In this scenario, NORA-W36 connects to Microsoft Azure using certificates.


Note that Azure IoT Hub isn't a full-featured MQTT broker and doesn't support all the behaviors specified in the MQTT v3.1.1 standard

Parameters and values

  • Host:
  • Port: 8883 (TLS)
  • Client ID: device1
  • Username:
  • Password: -
  • CA Root certificate: AzureCa.pem
  • Client certificate: azure_client.crt
  • Client private key: azure_priv_key.key

Before connecting to MQTT, set up Wi-Fi Connection like in steps 1-5 in Wi-Fi station

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Configure MQTT Host, Port, Cient and UsenameAT+UMQCP=0,,8883,device1, 
2Write a X.509 certificate and private key using Binary dataAT+USECUB=0,"AzureCa.pem"{data binary content of "AzureCa.pem"}
AT+USECUB=1,"azure_client.crt"{data binary content of "azure_client.crt"}
AT+USECUB=2,"azure_priv_key.key"{data binary content of "azure_priv_key.key"}
See Binary data for more information, note that the brackets { and } should NOT be sent, they are just here in this example
3Setup TLS connection configAT+UMQTLS=0,1,AzureCa.pem","azure_client.crt","azure_priv_key.key" 
4Connect to MQTT brokerAT+UMQC=0+UEMQC:0
5Publish Message on topic pubtopicAT+UMQP=0,0,0,"pubtopic","Helllo from NORA-W36" 
6Subscribe on topic subtopicAT+UMQS=0,0,"subtopic" 
7Post a Message to the MQTT Broker on subtopic the message should be Hello from remote device--
8Receive Message on subtopic +UEMQD:0,24
9Read String MessageAT+UMQRS=0+UMQRS:0,0,"subtopic",24,"Hello from remote device"
10Disconnect from MQTT brokerAT+UMQDC=0 


8 HTTP/HTTPS client use cases


NORA-W36 does no support a http client in current SW version, but it is a planned feature.
It is possible to download files and web sites without a http client, this example show how to do that using a HTTP GET Request.

HTTP is just thin layer on top of TCP on port 80, and HTTPS is using TCP with TLS on port 443, for a more secure encrypted connection.

This example use Binary mode, String mode can't be used in this case since some data may be non ASCII caracters.This example does not validate the server certificate, but is can be made by adding the connect CA Root certificate in the AT+USOTLS=0,1,CA.pem or .

8.1 HTTPS download

In this example the following image will be downloaded: using the HTTP protocol.

Parameters and values

Before connecting to HTTPS, set up Wi-Fi Connection like in steps 1-5 in Wi-Fi station

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Create a TCP socketAT+USOCR=6+USOCR:0
2Enable TLS on the created socket (0)AT+USOTLS=0,1 
3Connect TCP with TLS enabledAT+USOC=0,,443+UESOC:0
4Send HTTP GET Request in Binary format (39 bytes, 0x27)AT+USOWB=0\x01\x00\x27GET /mosquitto-text-side.png HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: NORA-W36\r\n\r\n+USOWB:0,39
5Data is now received in+UESODA:0,4096 
6Read out the data in binay formatAT+USORB=0,1000+USORS:0,1000{Binary header and data}
7Read out the data in binay formatAT+USORB=0,1000+USORS:0,1000{Binary header and data}
8When the file has been received the server may close the connection +UESOCL:0

9 Roaming use cases

NORA-W36 supportes roaming, it is disabled by default and needs to be enabled before connecting Wi-Fi with AT+UWSROE=1

The most important setting are the following, see AT manual for more settings

CommanddefaultValid values
AT+UWSROE=<roaming>Default value 00: Disable roaming
1: Enable roaming
AT+UWSROS0=<roaming_scanning_threshold>Default value: -70Valid values: -95..0
AT+UWSROS1=<roaming_switch_limit>Default value: 10Valid values: 1..50
AT+UWSROS3=<roaming_current_rssi>Default value: 00: Disable current rssi roaming
1: Enable current rssi roaming

With the default value roaming will start if RSSI goes to -70 or below, a background scan will start to find a better AP with the same SSID. It will perform a roaming if an Access Point with -70 + 10 = -60 dBm is found.

Is some situations you want to roam based on your current RSSI instead of a fixed value (default -60 dBm), then the Aggressive roaming should be used AT+UWSROS3=1 and also lower the limit for a better AP to like 3 dBm AT+UWSROS1=3. Then if the current RSSI is like -78 dBm it will be like -78 + 3 = -75 dBm and change will happen if an AP with -75 dBm or better is found a roaming will occur.

10 Power save use cases

10.1 Auto sleep

By default no lower power mode is enabled in NORA-W36 to have maximal performance and response time.
In some application power consumption is important and data throughput and latency is not that important. By enabling the low power mode this will slighty change. More power save means more latency can be expected.
In version 1.2.0 power level 0 (default, no power save) and power level 1 (moderate power save) is supported, more levels may be added in future releases.

The low power level 1 is set using the command AT+UPMPSL=1 see NORA-W36 SIM and AT command manual for more details. In version 1.2.0 there is a limitation that the first AT command after the timeout (default 1 second) can't be longer than 16 bytes. Note that in power level 1 only 115200 baud rate or lower is allowed.

All low power modes save power automatically and will adjust this depending on the level.
When enabled, no further action is required by the host.

10.2 Deep sleep

The most efficiant power level is Deep sleep which is almost like a power off, no radio communication is possible in this mode.

  • To initiate Deep sleep mode, the host uses the AT command AT+UPMDS
  • To wake up the module from Deep sleep mode, the host sets GPIO_J9 to GND
  • After wake up, the module assumes the same state as it does after a reset

11 Send and receive data

NORA-W36 supports several modes for sending and receiving data:

  • String mode
    • All readable ASCII characters (0x21-0x7E, 0xA1-0xFF)
    • Use when sending data in plain text format. For example, when using JSON, HTML, or NMEA.
  • Binary mode
    • All types of characters (0x00-0xFF)
    • Use when all types of data is needed. For example, in binary content using file upload and download.
  • Transparent mode
    • All types of characters (0x00-0xFF)
  • Transparent mode has best performance, due to no wait states
  • Direct mode is faster than Buffered mode
  • Binary mode is faster than String mode

To receive data without an event and read it out, the read mode can be changed to direct mode AT+USORM=1

11.1 String mode

Socket receive mode


  • 0: Buffered mode
    • +UESODA - Socket Data Available Event, default mode
  • 1: Direct string mode
    • +UESODS - Socket Data Binary Event: Incoming on TCP socket data represented as a string
    • +UESODSF - Socket Data Binary From Event: Incoming on UDP socket data represented as a string

SPS Receive data mode


  • 0: Buffered mode
    • +UESPSDA SPS Data Available event, default mode
  • 1: Direct string mode
    • +UESPSDS - SPS Data String event

11.1.1 Socket write string


Example to write socket data

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Write Socket data in string format sizeAT+USOWS=0,"Hello from NORA-W36" 

11.1.2 Socket read string


Example to read socket data

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Incoming Socket data +UESODA:0,19
2Reads incoming Socket data in string formatAT+USORS=0,19+USORS:0,19,"Hello from NORA-W36"

11.1.3 SPS write string


Example to write SPS data

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Write SPS data in string format sizeAT+USPSWS=0,"Hello from NORA-W36" 

11.1.4 SPS read string


Example to read SPS data

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Incoming SPS data +UESPSDA:0,19
2Reads incoming SPS data in string formatAT+USPSRS=0,19+USPSRS:0,19,"Hello from NORA-W36"

11.2 Binary mode

The binary mode should be used when binary content is transmitted, like files and binary protocols.

See Binary data for more infomation about the format of the data.

Socket receive mode


  • 0: Buffered mode
    • +UESODA - Socket Data Available Event, default mode
  • 2: Direct binary mode
    • +UESODB - Socket Data Binary Event: Incoming on TCP socket data represented as binary data
    • +UESODBF - Socket Data Binary From: Incoming on UDP socket data represented as binary data

SPS receive mode


  • 0: Buffered mode
    • +UESPSDA SPS Data Available event, default mode
  • 2: Direct binary mode
    • +UESPSDB - SPS Data Binary event

See more infomation about Binary Data.

11.2.1 Socket write binary


Example to write socket data

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Write Socket data in binary format sizeAT+USOWS=0\x01\x00\x13Hello from NORA-W36 

11.2.2 Socket read binary



Example to read socket data

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Incoming Socket data +UESODA:0,19
2Reads incoming Socket data in binary formatAT+USORB=0,19+USORB:0\x01\x00\x13Hello from NORA-W36

11.2.3 SPS write binary


Example to write SPS data

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Write SPS data in binary format sizeAT+USPSWB=0\x01\x00\x13Hello from NORA-W36 

11.2.4 SPS read binary



Example to read SPS data

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Incoming SPS data +UESPSDA:0,19
2Reads incoming SPS data in binary formatAT+USPSRB=0,19+USPSRB:0\x01\x00\x13Hello from NORA-W36

11.3 Transparent mode

Transparent mode (TM) works in the same way as Data mode in legacy products. Note that only one connection of TCP, UDP (Wi-Fi), or SPS (BLE) is allowed.

11.3.1 Transparent mode

To enter Transparent Mode the AT command AT+UTM is used with the option to use TCP, UDP or SPS.


Example for SPS:
Transparent mode has started
Back in AT mode

Example for TCP socket:
Transparent mode has started
Back in AT mode

Until the escape secqence +++ is sent, all data received on the UART will be sent unmodified to the remote device on the specific connection selected.

11.3.2 Transparent mode persistent

Like the Transparent Mode (TM) the Transparent Mode Persistent (TMP) works in the same way as Data Mode in legacy u-blox short range products. Note that only one connection of TCP, UDP (Wi-Fi), or SPS (Bluetooth LE) is allowed in this mode.
The only difference with TM and TMP is that TMP can be stored in flash and connect at startup.

To enter TMP, the AT+UTMP command is used - with the option to use TCP, UDP, or SPS.


Example for SPS

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Enter the remote Bluetooth LE address to connecting deviceAT+UBTP=BBBBBBBBBBBB,1+UBTP:200
2Enable Persistant on the connectionAT+UTMP=0,200 
3Store settingsAT&W 
4Reset the moduleAT+CPWROFF 
5Wait for NORA-W36 to startup +STARTUP
6Transparent Mode Persistent has started  
7Exit Transparent Mode using escape sequence+++ 

Example for TCP socket

NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Create a Persistent TCP SocketAT+USOPCR=6+USOPCR:100
2Set the Ip Address and Port for the connectionAT+USOP=100,,5003 
3Enable Persistant on the connectionAT+UTMP=1,100 
4Set up Wi-Fi Connection like in steps 1-5 in Wi-Fi station  
5Store settingsAT&W 
6Reset the moduleAT+CPWROFF 
7Wait for NORA-W36 to startup +STARTUP
8Transparent Mode Persistent has started  
9Exit Transparent Mode using escape sequence+++ 

Until the escape sequence +++ is sent, all data received on the UART will be sent unmodified to the remote device on the specific connection selected.


12 Binary data



The packet starts with \x01 (SOH, Start Of Header) followed by the length of the data in two-byte unsigned integer (UINT16) format, and then followed by the binary data.
The data shall not be terminated with the normal \x0D (Carriage Return, \r).

The binary header is comprised of three bytes:
0x01(SOH Start Of Header), MSB_datalength, LSB_datalength

All commands and Unsolicited Result Codes (URC) that use binary data are "complete" without the binary data. In most cases, the binary data is sent directy after the AT command and the handle.

In the following AT+USOWB - Socket Write Binary command example, the binary data follows the the socket handle directly - without "," or "\r" or any other character in between.

This command writes to socket 0, 2 bytes data the data is 0xFF 0xEE.
Nota that the "{ }" should not be included in the data, it is only in this example, showing the binary data content.

Binary data for the Socket, SPS, and certificate upload all use the same Binary data format.

12.1 Binary mode command example

To send the following Hello from NORA-W36 message, the content must have a length of 19 bytes. The length in UINT16 format is \00\x13.

AT+USOWB=0\x01\x00\x13Hello from NORA-W36

Note that the AT command must not be terminated with the \r, The length shown in the header defines the number of bytes expected from the AT parser. The complete AT event includes the same three bytes header immediately after the handle in the event, like this:
+USORB:0\x01\x00\x13Hello from NORA-W36

12.2 Certificate upload command example

In the following example, the Security Certificate Upload Binary command, AT+USECUB, is entered with the X.509 certificate (or private key) using binary transfer. The certificate length is 1342 bytes and given in UINT16 format as \05\x3E.

To send the content of


This is how the complete AT command will look like

AT+USECUB=0,"ca.pem"\x01\x05\x3E-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n



Note that the AT command must not be terminated with the \r. The length of the header defines the number of bytes expected from the AT parser.

12.3 Python pseudo code example

byte = 'AT+USECUB=0,"ca.pem"'

byte += b'\x01'

byte += len(bin_data).to_bytes(2, 'big')

byte += bin_data # bin_data contains the binary data to be sent


12.4 C# Pseudo code example

byte[] bin_data' //data contains the binary data to be sent

byte[] dataHeader = new byte[3];

dataHeader[0] = 0x01;

dataHeader[1] = Convert.ToByte(bin_data.Length >> 8);

dataHeader[2] = (Convert.ToByte(bin_data.Length & 0xff));





13 Diagnostic tools


Diagnostic tools such as ping, which verifies connectivity at the IP level, and iperf, which measures network performance, are useful for troubleshooting and optimizing the communication efficiency in the module.

13.1 Ping


Ping example

NrAT commandAT event,4 
2 +UEDGP:1,15
4 +UEDGP:1,15
5 +UEDGP:1,14
6 +UEDGP:1,14
7 +UEDGPC:4,4,0,14

13.2 iperf

Iperf version 2 is supported as client and server software - with support for TCP and UDP data.
Download Iperf 2 for Windows here
Manual for iperf 2 can be found here

Note that the Iperf implementation is experimental and may change between releases, like parameters and behavior.


13.3 Iperf server

Example for Iperf server on port 5001

NrAT commandAT event
2 +UEDGI:"TCP: Start TCP server!"
3 +UEDGI:"tcp_server_func: Create socket fd = 0"
4 +UEDGI:"tcp_server_func: Bind socket successfully"
5 +UEDGI:"tcp_server_func: Listen port 5001"

13.4 Iperf client

Example for Iperf client to connect on address on port 5001

NrAT commandAT event
2 +UEDGI:"tcp_client_func: Create socket fd = 1"
3 +UEDGI:"tcp_client_func: Connect to server successfully"
4 +UEDGI:"tcp_client_func: Send 1435 KBytes in 1000 ms, 11761 Kbits/sec"
5 +UEDGI:"tcp_client_func: Send 1418 KBytes in 1000 ms, 11621 Kbits/sec"
6 +UEDGI:"tcp_client_func: Send 1417 KBytes in 1000 ms, 11609 Kbits/sec"


14 Error codes


The Extended error codes can be useful to understand the reason for the ERROR received.

Note that the error codes should only be used for information and might change between versions in the future.

14.1 Extended error code







The error code for 5 is U_ERROR_COMMON_INVALID_PARAMETER, meaning that the parameter on the last AT command was invalid.
See NORA-W36 u-connectXpress Error codes for more details.

14.2 Extended error codes on/off

This command will enable the error code when an ERROR is received for every commands.






The error code for 32 is U_AT_STATUS_INVALID_COMMAND, meaning that the AT command is not correct.
See NORA-W36 u-connectXpress Error codes for more details.

14.3 Socket error

Use this command to get the last error on the Socket used.





The error code for 107 is Transport endpoint is not connected, meaning that the socket connection is down.
See NORA-W36 u-connectXpress Error codes for more details.


15 Software update


This use case shows what AT commands to send to start a software update.
There are two ways to start the software update:

  • See more about the XMODEM protocol here


15.1 Update software by AT command

  • Enter XMODEM mode for u-connect software update using serial port
  • XMODEM-1K and baud rate up to 3 Mbps is supported.
NrInstructionsAT commandAT event
1Start XMODEM protocol with AT commandAT+USYFWU=0,3000000 
2Now NORA-W36 is ready to receive the software using the XMODEM or
XMODEM-1K protocol
3When the software has been downloaded the module will restart+STARTUP 
4Check the version of the softwareAT+GMR"1.0.0-001"

15.2 Update software by bootloader

Consider the following points when updating the software using the bootloader:

  • Enter the bootloader command line mode using serial port by AT command
  • Press SWITCH_1 and SWITCH_2 during startup (or after reset)
  • A command must be sent within 10 seconds when in bootloader command line mode. Otherwise, the device reboots in normal mode
  • For the complete list of available commands, enter ?
  • An XMODEM protocol timeout is invoked after 10 seconds if nothing is received
  • XMODEM-1K and baud rate up to 3 Mbps is supported
NrInstructionsAT commandEvent
1aEnter the bootloaderAT+USYFWU=1,115200 
1bAlternatively, press SWITCH_1 and SWITCH_2 during startup or reset to enter the bootloader reset  
2Wait for the > prompt >
3Change baud rate to up to 3 Mbit/s (optional)r 3000000 
4Start XMODEM protocol with the command xx 
5Now NORA-W36 is ready to receive the software using the XMODEM or XMODEM-1K protocol CCCCCCCCCCC...
6Wait for the prompt to indicate that the software has been downloaded successfully >
7Enter the q command to restart the moduleq 
8Wait for the prompt to display that the module has restarted in AT mode+STARTUP 
9Check the version of the softwareAT+GMR"1.0.0-001"

16 Changelog

All notable changes in the NORA-W36 AT commands manual will be documented here.

[1.2.0] - 2024-10-18

The main feature in this release is HTTP download, Wi-Fi roaming and low power modes.


Wi-Fi PEAP enterprise security
Wi-Fi EAP-TLS enterprise security
HTTP/HTTPS client use cases
Roaming use cases
Power save use cases


Moved and fixed some images and some updates in the u-connectXpress capabilities for 1.2.0.


Some broken links were fixed.

[1.0.0] - 2024-05-15

First release for NORA-W36 with the most common Wi-Fi and Bluetooth use cases using the new and improved AT command set, not backwards compatible with previous u-connectXpress versions.

NORA-W36 product page,
s-center 2 webpage,
NORA-W36 AT command manual,
NORA-W36 Error codes,

18 Contacts

u-blox AG
Address: Zürcherstrasse 68
8800 Thalwil
For further support and contact information, visit us at