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22 Jan 2024
Advanced vehicle telematics for connected transportation
Car telematics have gone a long way in recent years - from a luxury to becoming a potentially lifesaving technology. Experts estimate that universal rollout of V2X (vehicle-to-everything) technology could help reduce up to 80% of unimpaired car crashes.
V2X communication is a telematic system in cars which enables vehicles to share information with each other and their surroundings. This type of car-to-car communication is vital for enhancing road safety, traffic efficiency, and reducing congestion and emissions.
This technology not only improves drivers' safety but also extends its benefits to pedestrians and cyclists, creating a more inclusive and secure mobility ecosystem.
V2X refers to a connected vehicles technology which enables vehicles to communicate with each other and exchange data with the infrastructure around them. This includes traffic signals, road conditions, and pedestrians.
This type of vehicle connectivity allows for improved road safety by feeding real-time data about the vehicle's surroundings.
V2X communication relies on a dedicated communication protocol standard optimized for exchanging information among vehicles or with the infrastructure regarding their status or potential dangers.
This standard is continuously evolving. Currently, the technology enables day 1 applications, such as life-saving situational awareness use cases.
In the future, it will provide the capability to exchange sensor information and intentions, further enhancing the sensing capabilities of vehicles. This will enable cooperation among vehicles and infrastructure, ultimately improving safety and road use efficiency. Essentially, V2X information will play a crucial role in the Autonomous Driving perception system.
Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) - other V2X vehicles for cooperative driving and collision avoidance.
Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) - roadside infrastructure like traffic lights and road signs.
Vehicle-to-network (V2N) - communication via the network.
Vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) - communication with pedestrian and cyclists' wearable devices.
V2V and V2I communication rely on two possible radio technologies: either cellular-based (C-V2X with different releases as standardized by 3GPP) or based on Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC, 802.11p or 802.11bd, standardized by IEEE). V2N communication is based on cellular radio technology such as 4G or 5G.
The key parameter always exchanged via the V2X protocol is the vehicle's absolute position. This is fundamental because it allows the recreation of a precise map of the vehicle's surroundings.
High-precision positioning solutions are necessary to implement initial use cases for driver situational awareness, while high-integrity positioning solutions will become essential to enable cooperative and automated driving use cases by complementing vehicle sensor information.
Enhanced safety - it enables real-time communication, reducing the risk of accidents through collision warnings or as part of the autonomous driving sensing capability.
Traffic efficiency - traffic flow optimization is achieved through the sharing of live traffic data, the optimization of intersection crossings, and the facilitation of highly packed platoons, among other strategies.
Environmental benefits - reducing fuel consumption and emissions by optimizing traffic flow and reducing congestion.
Pedestrian safety - providing warnings to vehicles about their presence and enhancing overall road safety.
The future of V2X holds tremendous promise for continuously improving safety and traffic efficiency in dense urban environments through a cooperative approach among vehicles. However, it requires a trustworthy framework, achievable through the use of safety and integrity concepts.
u-blox offers positioning solutions adapted to the V2X technology:
Submeter level accuracy solutions meeting the requirements for initial use cases involving situational awareness. Confidence information is consistently available as the first step to provide secure information to other vehicles or the infrastructure.
High precision solutions for use cases that require lane level accuracy. This requires specific correction services to achieve decimeter-level accuracy.
u-safe - a high integrity and safe solution for enhanced security, comprised of the u-blox PointSafe positioning service and A9 hardware.
Why choose u-blox?
Proven expertise - u-blox has a track record of providing reliable cellular communication and positioning solutions.
Comprehensive product portfolio - u-blox offers a wide range of modules and chipsets, catering to diverse requirements and ensuring compatibility with different communication standards.
Global support - u-blox's global presence guarantees ongoing support for the seamless integration of V2X solutions in the automotive telematics market.
Enhanced security - To achieve precise positioning accuracy, it's crucial to establish secure and trustworthy relationships between entities sharing the data, emphasizing the need for a dependable framework that prioritizes safety and integrity.
V2X communication is poised to revolutionize the automotive industry, fostering a safer, more efficient, and interconnected mobility ecosystem.
While challenges exist, the potential benefits in terms of safety, efficiency, and environmental impact make V2X a crucial technology for the future of smart transportation.
As the industry continues to evolve, u-blox stands out as a reliable partner, offering cutting-edge solutions for building robust and effective V2X communication systems.
As we develop more intelligent transportation systems for smart cities, V2X is important for creating safer roads, smoother traffic, and a connected transportation experience.