评估套件,适用于具备蓝牙 5.1 低功耗远距离通信功能的 ANNA-B4 stand-alone 模块
stand-alone 蓝牙 5.1 低功耗模块
蓝牙低功耗模块,采用 u-connectXpress 软件、内置天线和适用于外置天线连接的天线引脚
Product variants | ANNA-B412 |
Bluetooth qualifications | v5.1 (Bluetooth Low Energy) |
Chip inside | nRF52833 |
Bluetooth low energy output power EIRP [dBm] | 9 |
Maximum range [m] | 800 |
Bluetooth throughput [Mbit/s] | 0.8 |
Maximum number of connections | 8 |
UART x 2 | ✓ |
GPIO x 19 | ✓ |
Maximum supply [V] | 3.6 |
Minimum supply [V] | 1.7 |
Maximum temperature [°C] | 105 |
Minimum temperature [°C] | -40 |
AT command support | ✓ |
Bluetooth high speed (LE 2M PHY) | ✓ |
Bluetooth long range (coded PHY) | ✓ |
Bluetooth mesh | ✓ |
Direction finding (AoA/AoD) | ✓ |
Extended data mode protocol | ✓ |
Low Energy Serial Port Service | ✓ |
Secure boot and updates | ✓ |
Simultaneous GATT server and client | ✓ |
Antennas | Antenna pin, Internal chip antenna |
Dimensions [mm] | 6.5 x 6.5 x 1.2 |