Positioning middleware
u-locateHub is one of the leading implementations of omloxtm hub, a locating middleware able to run on the edge, on-premises, and in the cloud. It is compatible with the omlox™ standard - the world's first open location standard.
u-locateHub allows for seamless tracking of any asset across different positioning technologies and facilitates all location-aware use cases, such as in smart production and logistics, healthcare, and retail.
It supports core, non-vertical specific features such as:
u-locateHub supports concepts such as trackables which represents something that is tracked, for example a pallet, a person, or a forklift. Trackables are mapped to one or many location providers, an entity that generate source data for a position. An example of a location provider is the u-locateTag.
Thanks to the flexibility of u-locateHub where trackables can simultaneously be associated with several location providers, seamless indoor-outdoor positioning can be achieved. Imagine the case with a tag equipped with both a GNSS and Bluetooth LE AoA functionality.
A fence is another entity that is supported by u-locateHub. It is a virtual representation of a physical space. It is up to the user to define what a fence represents but it is used to detect (and alert) when trackables enter or exit the physical area. This core non-vertical functionality can then be built upon to implement for example safety or occupancy use cases.
u-locateHub comes with a web-based UI (user interface) that can run in every modern web browser and on any operating system. The UI is only one implementation of a user interface and it uses the same APIs available to any customer or partner who prefer to implement a custom interface. The main features provided in the built-in UI are:
u-locateHub supports a WebSocket API for real-time location updates, geo-fence events, and trackable motions (when a trackable changes its position). It also provides REST API endpoints to allow for configuration and provide statistics of the system as well is provide location data (but request based instead of stream based).
u-locateHub uses the OpenID standard to ensure secure access to the API. The possibility to apply permission settings to individual API endpoints, WebSocket topics, and OpenID users is available.
The software is containerized which means that the software is packaged into a single lightweight container that runs consistently on any infrastructure. This enables easy deployment and maintenance and provides scalability if the installation grows. This also allows u-locateHub to run locally on-premises as well as in the cloud.