Explaining remote patient monitoring solutions to elderly individual



慢性疾病的增多给本已紧张的全球医疗保健系统带来了更大的压力。 通过将临床医疗服务延伸到病人家中,远程健康监测解决方案有助于提高医院的医疗能力,同时让病人留在家中。

辅助生活解决方案利用传感、无线通信和基于云的技术平台,帮助脆弱性老人和残疾人延长自理能力或从诊所回家。通过向亲属或急救人员触发救生警报,这些设备为老人和有特殊需求的人提供了一条在紧急情况下可以依赖的 "生命线"。


在 u-blox,我们深知客户对物联网解决方案的性能期望很高,而对错误的容忍度却很低。


u-blox 辅助生活解决方案的优势

  • u-blox 在医疗保健领域积累了与客户合作的丰富经验,包括辅助生活解决方案和医疗呼吸设备。
  • 我们的解决方案在设计上旨在保护隐私,保障客户的健康数据并保护您的声誉。
  • 我们的设备经过严格的鉴定和测试。这包括边缘情况,例如当患者将医疗保健设备从电源插头拔下收起时,电源会意外消失。
  • 蜂窝通信和基于信息的 Thingstream 连接服务可覆盖多个地理区域,而无需依赖患者家中的特定本地基础设施。因此,病人可以带着健康设备去度假或探亲。

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Fall detection systems

Fall detection systems

In the United States alone, over thirty million elderly people report falls, leading to over three million injuries, and more than thirty thousand deaths. Fall detection systems use wireless communication including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular technology to automatically alert emergency services in the event of fall.

Emergency call systems

Emergency call systems

Using emergency call systems deployed in elderly care centers or at home, vulnerable individuals including the elderly can increase their autonomy and gain peace of mind, knowing that caregivers are always on call in the event of an emergency.

Sleep apnea monitors

Sleep apnea monitors

Connected sleep apnea monitors let patients diagnose from their own beds rather than requiring them to spend the night in a medical sleep lab. Directly transmitting data to healthcare professionals via the cellular network or a local assisted living gateway reduces the risk of errors and simplifies diagnosis.

Bedside respiratory devices

Bedside respiratory devices

Bedside respiratory devices, also referred to as CPAP devices, assist patients with breathing disorders such as sleep apnea by maintaining a constant flow of air into their airways. Connected bedside respiratory devices give healthcare professionals access to the usage data, boosting compliance and improving quality of care.



Example of solution architecture for home monitoring health device


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