girl running on a concrete surface



尽管运动和健身可穿戴设备如今已深入人心,但我们仍处于量化自我时代的风口浪尖,在这个时代,可穿戴技术被用来监测我们的身体活动、日常行为和睡眠,一年 365 天,全天候不间断。所需硬件元器件的小型化、日益复杂的传感器和算法以及功耗要求的降低,都在为更小、更精确、更安全、更持久的运动和健身可穿戴设备铺平道路。

u-blox 运动和健身可穿戴设备解决方案的优势

  • 一站式提供运动和健身可穿戴设备所需的所有物联网技术硬件和服务。
  • 同时接收四个 GNSS 星座,实现最大的定位可用性。
  • 超低功耗,在不影响定位性能的情况下增强续航时间。
  • 通过全球认证的低功耗广域蜂窝通信模块(包括 LTE-M、NB-IoT 和 LTE Cat 1),可在任何地方部署。
  • 借助蓝牙、Wi-Fi 和蜂窝通信模块的网络指纹识别功能,可在 GNSS 网信号覆盖范围之外提供定位服务。
  • 可根据我们的物联网设备证书管理系统轻松管理云端连接。
Infographic presenting benefits of u-blox solutions for sport and fitness wearables

有关 u-blox 运动和健身可穿戴设备产品的问题。



Running woman checking her stats on GPS-enabled sports watch

GPS-enabled sports watch

Find your precise location within a city, town, or in open spaces (like forests, hills, or fields). Track the distance you cover and the speed at which you are traveling ‒ without delays and in real time.

woman preparing herself for a run

Mid-range fitness trackers

If you find yourself in an area with poor wi-fi connectivity (or without access to it at all), keep relying on your devices and obtain whereabouts accurate information. Extremely useful solution for monitoring physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.   

female athlete running hurdles

High performance athletic trackers

Interested in monitoring the performance of members of a team within the field? These trackers enable high-precision GNSS location, including corrections. Wearable technology ideal for individual athletes seeking improvement after analyzing current statistics.

bird's eye view of woman sleeping while wearing a sleep-tracker device on her left wrist

Sleep trackers

Have you ever felt without energy, even after sleeping for many hours during the night? Tracking changes in your body functions while sleeping may be the key to understanding if any adjustment is necessary. Keeping a close record of variations in body functions is possible through sleep trackers. Measure your heart rate and other functions, obtain information to optimize your sleep, and naturally boost your energy levels during the day.


infographic presenting u-blox solution architecture for sport and fitness wearables
